
  1. Introduction to Electronics
  2. Introduction about Electronic components
    1. Resistor
    2. Capacitor
    3. Inductor
    4. Diodes
    5. Transistors
    6. Operational Amplifier
  3. Motors
  4. Sensors (IR, Touch, LDR)
  5. Introduction about Digital electronics
    1. Digital Number system
    2. Digital Logic Gates
  6. Projects
    1. LED flash light using 555IC
    2. LED brightness control using potentiometer
    3. Line follower without Microcontroller
    4. Light follower without Microcontrollerr
    5. Motor control using L293D or Transistor H-bridge circuit
    6. Transistor controlled relay switching circuit for controlling motor
    7. Verify the truth table of different gates
    8. Digital combination development (Full adder, Half adder etc…)

(*Practical training will be available throughout the sessions)